The Lord Humungus is a cryptic but endlessly fascinating villain played by Swedish bodybuilder Kjell Nilsson. as The Road Warrior), you know the Lord Humungus. Mad Max 2 ended up being the only film he appeared in.If you’ve ever seen George Miller’s Mad Max 2 (released in the U.S. The crew members realized the dog could have a real presence on film and had the potential to be trained. He was picked out of a number of other dogs because he picked up a rock off the ground and played with it. According to the story, one day before the dog was to be put down, members of the crew visited they shelter looking for an animal to cast for the film. According to Hot Dog Magazine's “Still Crazy After All These Years” by Pavel Barter (via: io9), Max's dog in the film was rescued by the filmmakers from being put to sleep in a shelter.

It was suggested to Miller that Mad Max should be the adult who finds the children, and so that became the third installment of the franchise. It follows a tribe of children living in the wild, who are found by an adult.

It was when Miller started working on a post-apocalyptic version of Lord of the Flies that Beyond Thunderdome was shaped. Max's fate would never be revealed and Miller had no intentions of making a third film. The Road Warrior was supposed to be the conclusion of the "Mad Max" storyline.The logo on the tanker truck reads "7 Sisters Oil," which is an reference to an early oil conspiracy theory that Standard Oil and six other companies controlled the world oil market, and that they bought up and suppressed the 200-MPG carburetor so that they could to keep oil prices up.You can watch it in the video featurette below, and a clip from the film of that scene. The accident was so dramatically awesome on film that director George Miller kept it in the movie. The stuntman was supposed to just fly over the car without hitting it. This was a real accident that wasn’t planned. From there he is set in cartwheel motions through the air towards the camera. In the scene one of the motorcycle raiders hits a car, and the rider is flung off the bike where he smashes his legs against the car. According to a behind the scenes featurette that was released, one of the crazier stunts in the film was actually a serious accident.Mel Gibson only has 16 lines of dialogue in the whole film, and two of them are the repeated line, "I only came for the gasoline." That’s about the same for Mad Max: Fury Road.I also try to add some additional commentary and videos when I can in these posts. Some of the information comes from Imdb, but there is also more information on the film that you can check out here. So without further ado, here are some fun facts that you may or may not know about the film.
Mad max 2 wez boyfriend movie#
I forgot how boring that movie was! The Mad Max franchise didn’t really take off until The Road Warrior exploded in theaters in 1981. I recently watched the very first Mad Max movie, which I hadn’t seen since I was 13 years old. With Mad Max: Fury Road being released in theaters this week, I thought I would put together a fun facts list for one of my favorite films in the franchise, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior.